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Wong Nai Chung Outline Zoning Plan

Representations to the Draft OZP 2019 – 2020

In Town Planning Board’s (TPB) making of the Amendments to the Approved Wong Nai Chung Outline Zoning Plan No.S/H7/19 relating to the Caroline Hill Road (CHR) site, Masterplan Limited made a Representation and Further Representation on behalf of Hysan Development Projects Ltd.

WNC - Hysan Conceptual Scheme.jpg

The aim of the Representation and Further Representation was to ensure an optimal outcome for the site in terms of creating a unique and sustainable contribution to the neighbourhood. This would also be in line with Hysan’s development vision for the site – to create a large urban park for the community. In meeting this aim, it was considered that the OZP should make provisions for a more comprehensive design and development. As such, in the Representation made, an improved alternative conceptual scheme (to the one presented by the Planning Department) was submitted, and Masterplan Ltd proposed amendments to the OZP. This included amendments to the Notes to the Commercial (2), requiring the future developer to submit a layout plan by way of a Section 16 application.  


Masterplan was successful in this Representation. Following the hearing of the Representations and Comments, the TPB decided to amend the Notes and Explanatory Statement for the C(2) zone by including a requirement that a layout plan should be submitted to the TPB for approval. Following this, in the hearing of Further Representations, TPB confirmed that this would be included in the Amendment to the Approved WNC OZP and would subsequently be submitted to the Chief Executive in Council for approval.

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