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Tai Po Road, Kowloon

The Site is located adjacent to Tai Po Road. It is zoned Comprehensive Development Area ("CDA") and Green Belt ("GB"). Masterplan has long involvement in the planning of the site since 1999. A number of rezoning requests were submitted in an attempt to expand the CDA zone, increase the site coverage and the permitted GFA, etc. The development potential of the Site had been substantially enhanced with the permitted GFA increased to 6,717sqm.

Block Plan.jpg

Block Plan.jpg

Triazza Photomonrage

Triazza Photomonrage

In parallel with the rezoning requests, a number of planning applications were submitted and most of them were approved.

In 2002, a S16 application for residential development was approved with GFA 6,717sqm in 2002. The design of the building adopted a V-shaped block, respecting the site configuration and maximizing the views of the residential units. The GB portion of the site accommodates a swimming pool with landscape area. The application was approved with conditions. A set of GBPs was granted for the scheme and hence the development was considered commenced.


Later in 2011, a S16A application was submitted to propose amendments to the approved development scheme. A main benefit of the new scheme was to reduce the cutting of slope arising from the development. The reduction of excavation of soil amounted to about 11,000m3. Another benefit was the improved the efficiency of the carpark resulting one less carpark level. These two benefits made the new scheme more environmental friendly and cost-effective.

Even though the new scheme is a more environmental friendly scheme, it does not comply with the required prevailing noise compliance level which has become more stringent since the last planning approval. Liaison meeting was held among PlanD, EPD, ENVIRON (noise consultant) and Masterplan to resolve the traffic noise issue. The noise issue was successfully resolved and the improved scheme approved and built.

The long planning process which lasted over a decade has transformed the Site from a small family house to over 30 luxurious apartment units. The development is named as Triazza.

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