Kwun Tung North and Fanling North OZP Representation
The North East New Territories New Development Area (NENT NDA) Planning and Engineering Study was completed in early 2010s. The findings and recommendations were presented in the KTN OZP and FLN OZP. The two OZPs were gazetted at the same time.
The congested situation of East Rail had already caused frequent complains. It was anticipated to be worsened due to increasing cross-boundary visitors and activities and the plan to reduce the number of compartments of East Rail trains when the Shatin Central Link is in service.Development of the two NDAs will worsen overcrowding situation of East Rail which would have adverse knock-on effect on road traffic.
Both future residents of KTN and FLN would rely on the East Rail for commuting to urban area. Transport Planning Alliance (TPA), a community organisation which is interested in transport issues, had great concern about the transportation arrangements for the planning areas. TPA commissioned Masterplan to submit representations to the two OZPs.