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HKAYD Youth Hostel at Arran Street

Prince Edward, Kowloon

Youth hostel for Hong Kong Association for Youth Development at Arran Street, Prince Edward

The Hong Kong Association for Youth Development’s youth hostel proposal is responsive to the Chief Executive’s Policy Address 2015 and Home Affairs Bureau’s Policy Initiatives, which advocate and promote youth hostels projects.​

Masterplan Limited was commissioned in the technical feasibility study in formulating a youth hostel development scheme at the site, and the Section 16 application to enable it at the “Residential (Group E)” zone.


  1. The approved development scheme has a total of  2,460 square metres GFA, including 2,050 square metres for 72 units, and 410 square metres communal facilities.

  2. The development provides residential accommodation for working youths, of prescribed age and income level.

  3. The development has responded to the site constraints, including the adjacent industrial air and noise emissions, and road traffic noise at the small site.

  4. The design scheme, while not being required, complies with the Sustainable Building Design Guideline’ setback requirement. The setback will provide uncovered landscaped area, achieve better air ventilation and pedestrian environment. It will also allow openable window for natural air ventilation in the hostel rooms. This will help reduce the ecological footprint of the building, and the electricity bill associated with mechanical ventilation and thereby making the hostel rooms more affordable and the operation more sustainable.

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