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Discovery Bay

HKR International Ltd has a long term vision to better utilise the land resources at Discovery Bay to serve a larger population while retaining the character of the development. It has conducted site analysis, and subsequently identified development potentials at Area 6f and Area 10b. The Concept Plans for the two areas will create about 1,600 units for 4,000 persons in total.
Masterplan Limited gave planning input in devising the Concept Plans for Area 6f and Area 10b, incorporating pre-lodgement Government departmental comments and made two respective Section 12A applications. The Area 10b application was subsequently withdrawn as a result of technical issues to be resolved.

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For the Area 6f Concept Plan, its objective is to modify the permissible form of accommodation, from staff quarters which are no longer required to general residences, with an increased development density. The proposal is considered responsive to the Chief Executive’s Policy Address 2015 advocating for additional housing supply, and development at Lantau Island where Discovery Bay is located. It is an already approved development yet to be implemented, in close proximity to existing development, at a site of minimal natural conservation value. The development scheme is supported by technical studies quantifying the infrastructure requirement to accommodate the population increase.


The Area 6f application was rejected by the Town Planning Board in 2017, for reasons of i) scope for further residential development under the current Outline Zoning Plan, and ii) setting undesirable precedent for other similar rezoning applications and its cumulative impact. Consequently, Judicial Review was lodged against Town Planning Board’s decision that is to be heard in November 2018.


  1. There are much vacant lands available for development commensurating the existing scale of residential flat buildings at Discovery Bay, providing opportunities for housing supply. Granting of amendments to the Outline Zoning Plan and permitting suitable form of development, will optimise the land use at Discovery Bay to serve a larger population while retaining the character of the development

  2. The Outline Zoning Plan reflects the Discovery Bay’s development concept of 2005. Its Explanatory Statement’s Planning Intention does not reflect the evolved development concept and needs to be updated.

  3. Planning application approvals need to be obtained now. This is in view of the long processing time in the making of Outline Zoning Plan under the Town Planning Ordinance and Master Plan under the land lease with Lands Department, to ensure ongoing land and housing delivery in Discovery Bay which would be in the 2030s at the earliest.


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